August 2019

Can. Ch. Classique Rodin CD
(MBIS BIS Am. Int. Su. Dk. Fin. Ch. Dacun's Kaylen's He's a Heartbreaker
X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn KitnKaboodle)

We're so proud of Maxine and her boy, Gibson. Together they achieved the title of Companion Dog by passing all the requirements in the CKC Novice Obedience class.

Gibby scored High in Trial on all 3 legs of his Novice championship. He's a very serious, dedicated obedience student who loves to excel and please his owner, Maxine.

He is also an accomplished dock diver at their home in Georgian Bay, Ontario.

Congratulations Team Gibby!

July 2019

Can. Ch. Classique La Parisian
(Am. Can. Ch. Classique Shooting The Stars X Am. GCh. Can. GCh. Classique Blonde On Blonde)

We're so excited to announce that Paris won Best of Variety, Best Puppy In Specialty and a 3 point Major at the North Eastern Michigan Poodle Specialty in late June, 2019.

Paris showed exceptionally well with Kim Wendling, winning BOV from the classes over a very competitive line-up, including a multiple BIS winning Special.

It was a great weekend for all of us!

Paris turns one year old in August. She has been put into pattern, getting ready to resume her US championship quest in early 2020.

June 2019

Can. Ch. Classique La Parisian
(Am. Can. Ch. Classique Shooting The Stars X Am. GCh. Can. GCh. Classique Blonde On Blonde)

We're so proud to announce that Paris finished her Canadian Championship with multiple class placements her second weekend showing .

She was shown and finished by Kim Wendling, who did all the work. I had the honor of taking her in for Puppy Group and getting her championship photo taken.

Paris will be focusing on starting her American Championship shortly.

May 2019

Classique La Parisian
(Am. Can. Ch. Classique Shooting The Stars X Am. GCh. Can. GCh. Classique Blonde On Blonde)

We're pleased to announce that Paris had a great first weekend out starting her Canadian championship at the Canine Charlevoisienne Show in Quebec.

She won 2 Group 1st, 2 Best Puppy in Group & a Best Puppy in Show!

A great outing for a little 8 month old poodle girl!

Kim Wendling, as always, did an exceptional job handling and presenting her.

March 2019

Am. Can. Ch. Kelairn Love Of Your Life
(Au Am. GCh. Tiburcio Da Maya X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn Kitnkaboodle)

We're pleased to announce that Lovey finished her American championship in January on the very competitive Florida Spring Circuit.

Lovey's co-owner, Casey Bair, successfully showed her to the first half of her championship points in PA, including her first major.

Kim Wendling completed her title in Florida in January, adding another two majors.

Lovey will be bred later this year. Casey & I are both looking forward to her puppies.

April 2018

Am. Can. Ch. Classique Shooting The Stars
(Am. Ch. Rah Rah Riot By Request X Can. Ch. Classique Corte Bella Midnight)

Pippin completed his American championship in Kalamazoo, MI in May, 2018 his first time out in his new adult trim.

He was also awarded an AKC Puppy of Distinction Certificate in recognition of his winning record competing as a puppy in the US.

Pippin's show career has ended. He's now living with his new family in Prince Edward Island.

Before he departed, he was bred to our girl, Rainey (Classique Blonde On Blonde). Rainey delivered 5 lovely puppies on August 5th.

Three of those puppies have been identified for potential show careers. Stay tuned for their future ring adventures.

Can. Ch. Kelairn Love Of Your Life
(Au Am. GCh. Tiburcio Da Maya X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn Kitnkaboodle)

Casey Bair, Lovey's co-owner, did a wonderful job presenting Lovey in the competitive American Bred class at Poodle Club of America National Specialty in April, 2018.

Together, Casey and Lovely placed Fourth under respected long time breeder/judge, Jack MacGillivray.

Congratulations Casey, Lovey looked and moved beautifically.

Can. Ch. Classique Shooting The Stars
(Am. Ch. Rah Rah Riot By Request X Can. Ch. Classique Corte Bella Midnight)

Pippin won First Place in the very competitive 9-12 Dog Class at the Poodle Club of America National Specialty in April, 2018.

Kim Wendling did a wonderful job, successfully presenting him to long time poodle breeder & judge, Jack MacGillivray.

January 2018

Can. Ch. Kelairn Love Of Your Life
(Au Am. GCh. Tiburcio Da Maya X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn Kitnkaboodle)

Casey Bair, Lovey's co-owner, showed her to a 4 point Major in Fredericksburg, Virginia in January, 2018.

It was an exciting win for our young girl just starting her American show career.

Classique Shooting The Stars
(Am. Ch. Rah Rah Riot By Request X Can. Ch. Classique Corte Bella Midnight)

Pippin began his quest for his American championship as an 8 month old puppy on the very competitive 2018 Florida spring circuit.

Despite his young age, he won a 5 point Major, a 4 point Major and went Reserve to both another 5 point & 4 point Major. We were very proud of our young boy.

In early February, Pippin also won a 3 point Major in Atlanta, Georgia.

November 2017

MBISS Am. Grand Can. Grand Champion Classique Blonde On Blonde
(Am. Can. Ch. Classique Motion X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle De Provence)

Rainey finished her show career in November, 2017 having earned MBISS, American & Canadian Grand championship awards.

She has retired to the Niagara Escarpment with us and the rest of the Classique poodles to chase squirrels and generally reek havick having fun.

Thank you, Kim Wendling, for the wonderful care and presentation of Rainey during her show days. We are all proud of her accomplishments.

Classique Shooting The Stars
(Am. Ch. Rah Rah Riot By Request X Can. Ch. Classique Corte Bella Midnight)

Pippin began his Canadian show career in style by winning undefeated from the classes through the balance of 2017. He also won several Best Puppy in Group plcements along the way.

He will begin focusing on attaining his American championship in early 2018.

News - June 2017

BISS AM. CAN. Ch. Classique Blonde On Blonde
(MBISS Am. Can. Ch. Classique Motion X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle De Provence)

Rainey won Best In Multi Specialty at Poodle Club of Ontario in June at the Erie Shores show.
Thank you to Judge Peter Lawless from Kildare, Ireland for this special win.

Thank you, as always, to Kim Wendling for her beautiful handling and presentation of Rainey.

News - May 2017

Am. Can. Ch. Classique Blonde On Blonde

Rainey showed for the first time in Canada as a "Special".
She won 4 Group 1st's and a Reserve Best in Show

her first weekend out at the Societe Canine de Thetford in Quebec.
Thank you to Judge Fred Dewsberry for this exciting win.

Rainey is now a Reserve Best In Show winner in both Canada and the U.S.

A special thank you to Wendy Reyn from Wincoline for this beautiful advertisement to commemorate Rainey's accomplishment.

News - April 2017

Am. Can. Ch. Classique Blonde On Blonde

Rainey competed in Best of Variety at the 2017 Poodle Club of America National Specialty.
She was beautifically presented and handled by Kim Wendling.

We are very proud of this young girl. She currently has 20 points towards her U.S. Grand Championship, which she will work towards finishing in the coming months.

Can. Ch. Classique The Sorceress
(Am. Ch. Lakeridge-Valcopy Remington X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle De Provence)

Kiri competed in a very competitive 12 - 18 month class at PCA.
She made the "cut" in the first round of judging, moving and showing very well with Kim Wendling.

Kiri is now at home with us with no more show coat.
She's beautiful girl but she much prefers spending her days chasing rabbits and squirrels around the property than performing in the show ring.

Kelairn Love of Your Life
(Aust. Am. Gr. Ch. Tiburico Da Maya X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn Kitnkaboodle)

Lovey is co-owned by myself and Casey Bair.

She finished her Canadian championship as a puppy in a few short weekends in the summer of 2016, handled by Kim Wendling.

Lovey lives with Casey in Pennsylvania. Casey showed her at PCA 2017
and placed 3rd in the Novice Class.

Casey will be showing Lovey to her U.S. championship over the coming months in 2017.

News - January 2017

Am. Can. Ch. Classique Blonde On Blonde

What a star!

Rainey started and finished her U.S. championship in two weeks with kim Wendling on the very competitive Florida spring circuit.

Along the way, won a 5, 4 and 3 point major with 2 Best of Breeds over Specials.

She also won a Group 1st under Judge Jacqueline Stacy and a Reserve Best In Show from the classes under Judge John Wade.

What an accomplishment for our beautiful young girl!

A special thank you to Kim Wendling for the amazing job she did with Rainey! They are quite the team!

News - August 2016

Can. Ch. Classique The Sorceress
(Am. Ch. Lakeridge-Valcopy Remington X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle de Provence)

Kiri was shown to her Canadian championship in August, 2016 when she was 9 months old.
She finished in two weekends, beautifully handled by KIm Wendling, with a Best of Breed over a BIS winning Special and a Group 1st.

Kiri will be put into continental trim and be shown to her U.S. championship in 2017.

Can. Ch. Classique All the Diamonds
(Am. Ch. Lakeridge-Valcopy Remington X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle de Provence)

Maddy also completed her Canadian championship from the 9 - 12 month puppy class over two weekends in August, 2016.

She was handled by Kim Wendling and along the way,
she won multiple Puppy Groups and a Group 1st.

Maddy lives with her owner, Maxine, on Georgian Bay. She is a great swimmer and dock diver having learned that sport from her older poodle brother, Gibson.

Show coats have no place in the life of an athelete! Maddie looks gorgeous sporting her new wash and wear trim.

News - July 2016

These two young ladies were almost 6 months old in late April, 2016. Their mother is Genet (Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle De Provence) and their father is Remi (Am. Ch. Lakeridge-Valcopy Remington) owned by Macaela Brier.

The girls went with us to PCA in Salisbury to be shown in the 4 - 6 Month Baby Puppy Class.

Wearing the stylish blue collar is Maddie (Classique All the Diamonds)
Co-Owned with Maxine Jones.
The pink collar is my girl, Kiri (Classique The Sorceress).

I showed Kiri in the Baby Puppy Class. It was her first trip into a show ring. I was very happy that she "made the cut" in the competition.

Maddie was shown by Maxine. She also did very well in her ring debut.

Both Maddie & Kiri will begin their Canadian championships this summer, shown by Kim Wendling.

Can. Ch. Classique Blonde On Blonde
(MBISS Am. Can. GCh. Classique Motion X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle De Provence)

Rainey was beautifully presented at PCA 2015 by Kim Wendling. Her structure and movement really reflect my goals as a breeder. We're planning to start Rainey's American championship in late September, 2016.

Poodle Club of America (PCA) held its last National Specialty at the Salisbury, Maryland in April, 2016. There have been lots of great memories over the years at this location.

PCA 2017 will be heading west to Purina Farms in Gray Summit, Missouri.

MBISS Am/Can GCh Classique Motion

MBIS Am. Int. Su. Dk. Fin. Ch. Dacun's Kaylen's He's a Heartbreaker X
Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn KitnKaboodle

Cinema finished his American championship with 3 majors in 4 weekends of showing in the US.

A sincere thank you to Kim Wendling for her outstanding grooming and presentation of Cinema.

Kim, you are significant competition in the poodle show rings of North America!!!

News - June 2015

MBIS Au Supreme GCh. Am. Can. Ch. Classique Artist In Residence
(MBIS Am. Int. Su. Dk. Fin. Ch. Dacun's Kaylen's He's a Heartbreaker X
Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn KitnKaboodle)

A sincere congratulations to Remy, who completed his Australian Supreme Grand Championship, owner-handled by Lorraine Boyd, Picardy Poodles!

To date, Remy has won 10 BIS, 7 RBIS and 32 Group First placements. A great performance and accomplishment for a young boy who isn't 3 years old yet.

News - April 2015

2015 Poodle Club Of America National Poodle Specialty

MBISS Can. GCh. Classique Motion
(MBIS Am. Int. Su. Dk. Fin. Ch. Dacun's Kaylen's He's a Heartbreaker X
Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn KitnKaboodle)

Cinema was beautifully presented by Kay Peiser at this year's PCA National Specialty in Salisbury, Maryland.

He was awarded Third in the Open Dog Class by well known and respected poodle breeder/judge, Mr. Randy Garren.

Can. Ch. Classique Blonde On Blonde
(MBISS Can. Ch. Classique Motion X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle De Provence)

Rainey was also shown at the 2015 National PCA Specialty this year by Kay Peiser in the 9 - 12 month Puppy class.

She looked lovely and moved beautifully and attracted a lot of attenmtion. I was very proud of her.

A sincere thank you to my friend, Lucy Chan, for her beautiful PCA photos of both Cinema and Rainey.

News - March 2015

MBISS Can. GCh. Classique Motion

(MBIS Am. Int. Su. Dk. Fin. Ch. Dacun's Kaylen's He's a Heartbreaker X
Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn KitnKaboodle)

Cinema went to Raleigh, North Carolina with Kim Wendling in March to start his journey to complete his American championship.

His first U.S. show weekend was very successful. Cinema was awarded two major wins: a 3 point Major by renowed poodle judge and breeder, Dennis McCoy and a 4 point Major and BOS by Judge Thora Brown.

News - February 2015

Ch. Classique Writer At Large

(MBISS Can. Ch. Classique Motion X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle De Provence)

Echo was originally placed as a pet with a lovely family in Toronto.

He developed so nicely as a puppy, we decided to finish his Canadian championship.

Echo was shown by Kim Wendling in the 6 - 9 month Puppy Class in February.

He finished his championship in 4 show days, going BOS over Specials.

His career as a show dog is complete. He's now focused on being a full time family pet, loving life!

Ch. Classique Blonde On Blonde
(MBISS Can. Ch. Classique Motion X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle De Provence)

Rainey started her Canadian championship in February, 2015, shown by Kim Wendling.

In a few short outings, she collected 8 points going Winners Bitch several times and Best of Opposite.

She finished her championship in style by winning a Group Placement and Best Puppy In Show.

Thank you, Kim!

News - Nov 2014

Classique Blonde On Blonde

(MBISS Can. Ch. Classique Motion X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle De Provence)

Cinema and Genet had a beautiful litter of 3 puppies in May, 2014.
Two of those puppies are planned to be shown.

My little girl, Rainey, entered her first competition at 5 months and was off to a great start to her show career by winning 3 Best Baby Puppy In Group. She's a natural show girl with attitude to spare and beautiful foot timing and movement.

We're impatiently waiting to start showing this young lady to her Canadian championship!

MBISS Can. Ch. Classique Motion

(MBIS Am. Int. Su. Dk. Fin. Ch. Dacun's Kaylen's He's a Heartbreaker X
Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn KitnKaboodle)

Cinema is Remy's littermate. He finished his Canadian championship in several weekends in the spring of 2014.

Since then, he has been shown selectively in Canada as a special, as we wait for him to mature. In July, he became a Multi-Best in Specialy winner by winning the Ottawa Valley Poodle Specialty under Jackie Browning, noted poodle breeder from South Africa.

He was also recently awarded Select Dog in Friday's Best of Breed competition at the prestigious Purina Show in London, Ontario.He is maturing nicely for a young dog.


Au. GCh. Am. Can. Ch. Classique Artist In Residence

(MBIS Am. Int. Su. Dk. Fin. Ch. Dacun's Kaylen's He's a Heartbreaker X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn KitnKaboodle)

Remy turned two years old on July 29, 2014.

To date in his new home, he has finished his Australian championship, obtained his Grand championship, won numerous Group 1st and 7 BIS!!

He has performed beyond all expectations. Lorraine Boyd, Jodi Foulds and I are all extremely proud of this young boy.

Classique Motion

(MBIS Am. Int. Su. Dk. Fin. Ch. Dacun's Kaylen's He's a Heartbreaker X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn KitnKaboodle)

Cinema was orginally sold as a family pet. Fortunately, his owner kept him in coat because she liked the "look".

I was impressed by how nicely Cinema matured, so I decided to show him to his Canadian championship when he turned 15 months old.

He has been winning consistently and will finish shortly.

Am. Can. Ch. Classique Artist In Residence
(MBIS Am. Int. Su. Dk. Fin. Ch. Dacun's Kaylen's He's a Heartbreaker
X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn KitnKaboodle)

Remy emigrated to his new Australian home at the end of September, 2013 to live with his new "Picardy" poodle family.

He was entered in his first Australian show 10 days after finishing quarantine and thrilled Lorraine Boyd, Jodi Foulds and myself by going Best In Show!!

What a wonderful start to his new show career.

Classique Poodles - Show News

 Am. Can. Ch. Classique Belle De Provence
(MBIS MBISS Am. Can. G.Ch. Classique Scaramouche X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Saucy Minx)

Genet finished her American championship in November, 2013 shown by Rebecca Arch.

She is now home with us, sporting a new haircut and will be bred in early 2014.

Am. Can. Ch. Classique Artist in Residence

(MBIS Am. Int. Su. Dk. Fin. Ch. Dacun's Kaylen's He's a Heartbreaker X Am. Can. Ch. Classique Kelairn KitnKaboodle)

Remy had a very good spring in 2013. He started by placing second in the 6 - 9 month class at PCA 2013. Then he finished both his American & Canadian championships as a puppy.

He is currently growing serious coat & will be coming out into the ring again in late 2013.

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